Tuesday, January 3, 2012


it's almost weird calling it "winter break." it's less like winter and  more like jacket weather, and it's less like a break and more like a time to cram in hangout sessions. nevertheless, i've greatly enjoyed the past few weeks, mostly because of the quantity and quality of self-realization i've been exposed to.  in addition, i had the pleasure of reconnecting with my band friends over the past few days and i keep realizing how much they mean to me. the kids, of course, but also the environment that marching band sets up, a safe haven for creative living--this i also appreciate more and more each day. it's pretty incredible to see how an extra-curricular activity can shape and transform lives in such a dramatic fashion. marching band took me in as a self-conscious, shy, timid kid and kicked me out as a social leader ready to take on the world.
the beauty of marching band is the same beauty i find in early christianity. both serve as places for the broken, the different, the outcasts, and provide them with a support group without over-sheltering them from the realities of life. it's that idea of community that so many of us miss. i thank the lord for my time in marching band, and i pray that it would remain a place run on acceptance and healing. it's so much more than the music.

i had chicken noodle soup for breakfast, with a side of kleenex and allergy medicine. "i don't always get sick, but when i do, my nose explodes off of my face." blogging seemed like the best way to spend today given my lack of energy, so thus. :] i can't concentrate for the life of me right now, though, so here's a random thoughts list:
  • click on anything that's green.
  • i'm so excited to go back to school this semester! i have some big plans in the works and i'm super stoked to get to put them into action. academic, spiritual, social, physical, extracurricular, etc. the first semester of college was such an eye-opening experience, and i'm hoping to apply the things i learned to how i interact with people, use my free time, etc. my biggest takeaway from first semester is how important being intentional is. you might have a single class with someone for four months and never get to see them again. puts things into perspective.
  • check out FISHEYECHRONICLES, my photo collection page. :]
  • speaking of which, i have an uprising fear that i'm going to live my life behind a lens. finding balance is kind of the theme of my life, and this is no exception to that. i want to capture meaningful moments in y life, but i don't want to miss out because i'm trying so hard to take the right shot, or get the best footage. i guess we'll see how that all turns out.
  • i also have a fear that i will never connect to anyone as well as i connected with my high school band friends. my college friends are freakin sweet and we've had so many good times, but sometimes i can't help but compare my current experiences with the good times i had a few years ago. once again, that's something that i'm intentionally working on this semester. :]
  • i had a simple christmas. i got a christina perri cd, a sleeping bag, and a bit of college apparel. it was a nice change of pace that really leveled my head during the holiday season. :]
  • i read romans 14 this morning. it talks about doing everything to the lord, and it brings up a brilliant point that many "traditional christians" miss: people express their faith in different ways. many different way! chapter 14 specifically addresses eating to the lord. some are vegetarians because they've decided in their own hearts to show obedience through not eating meat. others eat everything because god gave us animals to eat, and they're showing their thanks. i've been thinking about this concept in terms of clothing. specifically the clothes we wear to church. if you'd like to call it a battle, it's "sunday best" vs "come as you are." personally, i wear shorts, toms, and a v-neck to church because i want to be myself before the lord. on the other "side," people want to show their respect for god by taking time out of their day to get all spiffied up. this goes for numerous situations, but regardless, i'd agree with paul in that "nothing is unclean in itself." however taking this verse out of context isn't a good idea because we could miss a very important point. here's the next two verses: "but if anyone regards something as unclean, then for that person it is unclean. if your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. do not by your eating destroy your brother or sister for whom christ died." cussing, tattoos, nudity, relationships, and sarcasm all fit into this concept as well. it's about searching your own heart and respecting the hearts around you. really neat stuff! 
  • [click me!]
  • i'm fairly convinced that we'll get raptured before guys and girls learn to coexist. 
  • i had a wonderful new years! i was invited to hangout with the band at a mock wild west town for an award ceremony. we walked around, checked out the petting zoo, chilled by the fire, played checkers, watched fireworks. good times in good company. :]
  • have you ever looked to the bible for encouragement and found absolutely no help at all? it's the worst feeling ever! you already feel bruised and beaten down, and the one thing that promises hope seems to fail to do so. the other day i decided to dedicate an hour of my time to search the bible out because i was dealing with that exact problem. i read through galatians 5, wrote out the entire chapter in my journal, and dissected it verse by verse. dude, it was absolutely incredible!  i made margin notes that covered a range of emotions and levels of seriousness. it was so freeing, to say the least, in fact, the first verse says, "it is for freedom that christ has set us free. stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." if that resonates with you at all, i suggest you check out galatians 5!
  •  accountability is sooo important. it requires interdependence. i hope you recognize that word in about a year or so. :] anyway, if you're looking to start doing something, or stop doing something, then having someone to hold you accountable for that is crucial. you could go the independent route, but then you're simply relying on what you feel, what you think, what you know, and what you think you know. 'tis a scary place to be! community is a hilarious tv show, as well as a word with some serious power behind it. 
  • happy 2012! let's make it count! :]

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