Thursday, January 5, 2012


i don't really know wat it's like to be something other than single. wat does it mean when you're in a "complicated relationship?" wat is a date like? wat's it like to be somebody's first kiss? wat's it like to be somebody's second kiss? as a single kid in college, it's hard not to wonder about the taken life, often deemed the "good life." of course it's good! god intended for males and females to hook up and have fun. not casually, of course, but he created relationships, so they ought to be freakin fantastic.

god must be taking a break from facebook and tumblr though. because if he ever checked his news feed, i'm sure he'd see the dozens of discontented couples, the innumerable relationship status changes, and the overarching drama related to the subject. so the big issue is gay marriages. why? let's ban straight marriages too! more than half of them end because of "complications" anyway. i don't really mean that of course, but i don't know, someday we'll figure it out. "i only like having sex with one person; i don't like sleeping around." actual quote from right now. careful wat you say, people on the fifth floor, cause someone might be ranting while you babble on. :] sex is great. i wouldn't know, but i sure hope it is. probably not though, cause great things are usually handled with  delicacy and esteem and importance and exclusiveness. yeah, i like that: exclusiveness. when was the last time you heard someone say that sex should be exclusively between one guy and one girl in a christ centered relationship? hahah. have you ever heard that? no way! people just don't do that any more. college preaches safe sex, not abstinence. high school preaches dress codes, not decent behavior (don't even get me started on dress codes. >,<).

it's hard not to judge people who let their sex lives run loose. i try not to though, because chances are, they don't live by the same rules that i do. and if they don't live by the same rules that i do, how can i possibly judge them on how well they're living by the rules? so i resort to prayer. sometimes it feels useless, like god is too small to fix such an excessive, selfish generation. it can feel useless, it can certainly feel hypocritical too. not a single human being is exempt from this struggle to retain self control, to be upright in all we do, to look through windows as much as we look at mirrors. i believe we need a god bigger than the universe to accomplish such a rouge people, but maybe you don't. maybe you believe it's up to individual effort, or organized movements. then let's do that! let's all be breathing examples of meaningful living, let's gain the attention of the masses, let's do something other than drinking our pains away, day after day, waiting for something to change. let's change. as individuals in a community.

for those who shoot up for breakfast and drink your dinners, your pain is real. it's real, and it's comfortable, and it's home, but it's not necessary. nor is it your future. that lifestyle is an option: one of many, and one of the hardest. it takes a great deal of self-discipline and self-denial to lead such a routine, but it's such a juxtaposing, never-ceasing battle. it's believing one thing and living out another. your pain is real, but so is hope. and help and trust and faith and honor and purity. it's never to late to turn around. better late than never, but better now than later. :]

[psalm 139:14]


  1. You said it spot on, and Im glad. Hope IS out there.

  2. That was great. Good job!
    I always find myself asking these type of questions when someone gets married and two months later they decide they don't like each other anymore. I mean.. what happened to tolerance?
