Monday, June 10, 2013


wat is your favorite sound?

Sunday, June 9, 2013


so let's talk about that real quick:

it's hard to accurately represent yourself on facebook. i mean, it's hard on any social network, and now that i think of it, instagram would be a better example here. ok let's start over. it's hard to accurately represent yourself on instagram. taking a million and one pictures to capture a (sometimes forced) moment, then filtering and posting the best photo  with a clever caption that begs for likes. and doing this day in, day out, looking for new creative, bandwagon ways to capture these "moments" and posting them in a stream that says "this is the entirety of my life and i know you'll like it because it's perfect!" all the while completely ignoring the world that begins when we shut our laptops and feel the earth beneath our feet. we spend so much time and energy in perfecting this lie, this mask, and it takes away from our chance to improve our real selves, in our real world--which could use some improving too!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


there's not really an easy way of saying this, so i'll just throw it out there: i have a drinking problem. it's a few months in the making, and i've nearly lost all control. but maybe that's the fluid painkillers talking: maybe i have lost all control. most of my friends and family would have never guessed, but it's painstakingly obvious to me. drinking started as a recreational thing, but it quickly evolved into a lifestyle. i suppose moderation is the key that i swallowed when i decided drinking could be used for any occasion.  i use it both for coping and for celebrating, and it's not healthy. which is weird, because it's extremely healthy. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012


old readers, new readers,
intentional clickers, accidental stumblers, welcome!
i haven't posted since school started,
but i'm hoping to change that soon.
"but hey, isn't this a post?"
ok yeah, but this doesn't count.
it's more of a filler than anything,
like a formal procrastination notice. :]
actually, no.
it's not just a filler.
i'm gonna make this one informative.
here's a little background to frame my next post,
watever that may be.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


james, jesus' half brother, wrote a letter to twelve christian tribes who were scattered among the nations (vs. 1). the idea is that they were facing serious oppression and they were in dire need of some good old fashioned encouragement. james serves them a tall glass of this is how it is, saying to these poor and persecuted peoples that they should consider it pure joy when they face hardships (vs.2). while reading his letter, i'm sure this is the first of many times the tribes thought "but james, that's awfully silly." these people had been evicted from their hometowns, and through that process, all their dignity and possessions had been taken from them. silly indeed. and so it would be, if we quit right there. that's a very unsettling place to quit reading, so we choose to go on...

Friday, August 3, 2012


wat kinds of pictures will you have in the photo albums that you show your kids?

Friday, July 27, 2012


the little lion
sat in a wicker basket
for a dozen years.

there he sat and watched
from his watchtower,
his safe wicker perch.

he could see the curve,
leaves and salt from east to west,
depth, from north to south.