Tuesday, July 3, 2012


if you could send out a message to a large group of people. wat would you say?

Be open with your heart. Break walls down. Embrace who you are, because you are all absolutely breathtaking in one way or another.

"please, please, please, whatever you do, please on expect things from youself instead of others"

I would say whatever is happening in your life you will definitely get through it. You are not alone and whenever you need anyone there for you tell me I'll listen and help you through whatever you cAnnot do because I was there once.

Follow your own dreams before anything. Don't give yourself to someone who isn't going to give themselves to you.


I think I'd have quite a few messages. I believe in cliches, because well, they're cliches for a reason. They hold to an idea that resonates across a wide range of people. So for instance, I may say that happiness goes unnoticed far to often. We immediately recognize sadness and anger and embrace it. But what is happiness? How do we achieve it. I think t begins with the development of the self. It is only once we have learned to love and embrace ourselves that we can learn to love others and find happiness in the world around us (another cliche). I feel that happiness ultimately depends more on yourself, and less on the things that surround you. We each have a lens through which we see the world. the shape of that lens has the capacity to distort the clearer image presented to us. Some see clearer than others. Some live life, never once stopping to wipe the dust from their lens. Happiness comes in looking through our lens, and seeing the endless gifts presented to us. Seeing that we have far more gifts than we do troubles. Life is amazing, just the mere concept of it is so complex and beyond comprehension. Yet it is presented in whole as a very simple thing. "Life" or living, is in simplicity. Many of the things that life presents lose value, they fade in our lens as we grow used to them being there for long periods of time. Happiness comes in recognizing these small things, and being thankful. By being thankful, we are able to understand the value around us. The value of every knowledge, health, family, friends, enemies, love, and hate. The good and bad all contribute to how our lens is shaped, and our happiness is achieved. we all have the freedom and power of choice. While we may not be able to control what picture is presented to our lens, we can change and adjust the focus, to view the picture in a special way that gives it beauty and meaning. Life goes on (cliche #3). In recognizing death, we recognize the value of life. We have to be able to accept that every life comes to an end. But I believe that every life grows past its end. The impacts that a life has, no matter how big our small, have the potential to create and shape the future of others. To inspire, to lead, and to give. This is why I love the next question. It forces one to think about their purpose, how they will live on, even after they've gone. But unfortunately my time has run out for now. I will certainly continue the following questions at some other time! on another random note, and I just came up with this so it may need some marinating, is the belief that we as human beings are all different in several ways. Yet we ALL have one thing in common, and that is the gift of our body. The gift of a mind that allows us to question; which is what I feel is one of the ultimate purposes of life; to question. The belief that God is existent in everyone of us, in our commonality, our "spirit", our body. Maybe that makes sense, maybe not. 

To be happy no matter where they are in life

I've always wanted to drop a mic in front of a crowd like I just won an epic rap battle. So whatever I would probably be pretty stupid because I don't ever have anything of much importance to say. But then I would drop a mic and people would know I was legit.

wat is your favorite/most meaningful childhood memory?

Not quite sure if it counts, because technically it was a ceremony of me becoming a man, but my bar mitzvah.  

Him I have so many. I think it has to be morning childhood shows on cartoon network and old school video games 

This question always makes me sad. I don’t know what it is about me, or maybe about my life, but for some reason, I am terrible at remembering specific moments. Childhood memories are a rare commodity for me With that said, I do have a particular series of moments that have sort of melded themselves into one larger memory experience! My family owns a cabin in Parks, which is a little town of ranches and cabin homes just outside of Flagstaff. Our cabin has been in our family for 3 generations, and its 2 acre lot is backed up right against the National Forest reserve in Flagstaff. It’s nestled all the way in the back by itself, basically. I have a lot of memories just sitting outside on the porch, reading a book and listening to the voices of the trees while cool clouds drop baptismal rain drops on my head and feet, my dogs be sleeping peacefully right next to me. There have been a lot of moments like that, moments of perfect bliss.

I guess I have many childhood memories as I was raised with eight children and 1 was number 2. I think my dad provided me with most of the love I had as a child so I do remember sitting on his lap and having him tell me i ws kovable and also he always pushed my hair behind my ears as he spoke to me.

Painting in a flower garden with my mom, and camping trips in colorado with my family, Specifically when my dad took me fishing with the brothers, and he always picked me flowers for my hair. Still does to the day.

My church would hold regular Father Sons camp outs. Me and my father would go to them regularly, but one time we missed it and my father promised me that we would go camping in our backyard instead. We set up the tents and everything and chilled in it for a bit, then we both decided we didn't really like it to much so we went inside and watched The Matrix. That was the first R rated movie I've seen.

The one that has left the biggest impression on me was when my dad, brother, and I got to go to a Cubs game for the last time before my dad and Stepmom got married. It's weird to say this, but I feel like that time distinctly marked the end of my childhood. I have never had a normal childhood. I was left to take care of my brother growing up, and I have realized over the years, I have always been mentally older than most people my age. But the last time we all went to a baseball game together, I knew there would never be a time again where it was just my Dad, brother and me.

i dont think i could pick just one! Sorry

where do you find inspiration?

I, personally, find inspiration from beautiful things in nature and in the human form. Anything in the world can be inspirational if looked at with an open mind.

In people, most definitely. yes. People are always inspiring me, in all aspects. :)

everywhere. One can be inspired by anything, if they just think about it enough.

I don't really have thing that inspires me. 

Where I find inspiration is not a very broad thing. I actually find it from 3 people. My father for he is an awesome person. My friend , because his mind is truly fantastic and he has a way of dealing with people that amazes me. And Day9, That man's story and just effort towards what he loves and enjoys truly amazes me. 

My inspiration comes from my family and friends. They help me with anything and they are always doing so many amazing thins. Makes me want to do more.

God, my dad, and my grammy. God for obvious reasons, my dad because he sees me as so much more than i am and it makes me want to be that person he knows i can be, and my grammy because i want to be just like her and my dad when i grow up.
God definitely inspires me, but I find inspiration thru the Holy Ghost because he literally leaves lasting impressions on me. I believe you can find inspiration most often when you are in tune with the Spirit. You will feel it in your heart and in your mind.

how do you show your love for those around you?

By smiling and being obnoxiously annoying? I don't know... I actually need to do that more. It's a problem I have. 

I love encouraging them, and helping them realize that they have so much potential and so much worth, that maybe they don’t even realize or see. God made only one you, how amazing and beautiful is that? Truly, one.of.a.kind. and everyone deserves to know that! I like giving compliments out and doing simple things to let them know they are loved. If I have something nice to say, I want to tell them, and I most likely will because they deserve to know, at the least, at least once. And then I hope they take it to heart, and not just hear it, but believe it… because I opened my heart to them, and meant every word.

I always let them know I am there for them and constantly thank them for sticking by my side.

Always there for them talking to them and telling them I love you

I show my love with a hug, listening to anyone who needs anything, and help them in anyway I can.

I haven't shown that much love for people really until recently. I used to be completely fine with "surface-y relationships" until I realized they weren't relationships at all. As of now I show my love for others by really trying to understand them, spending time with them even though I might not yet know who they really are. In general public, though, I still love others by giving them what I have if they need it, letting them use what I have been given, etc. 

do you tell yourself any lies?

yes, I do tell myself lies. I tell myself that I am ugly and unloved. Even though I know that is an untrue statement, it is always in the back of my mind.  
yes, i tell myself i don't want to do somethings when i do, im just lazy 

Lies :P Lies that lots of people tell themselves, like you are not pretty enough, or strong enough, can't achieve something that you are passionate about, not worth the it. These lies come at random times and t depends on the situation. If you don't know how to defeat these lies then thats when you are in trouble.

I would be lying to myself and you if I said I didn't. I think we all do at times, intentional or not, it happens. Maybe in a sense of expectations... I try to not go into anything having these wild expectations because reality will always be a let down to them. If you don't have any from the start, you can enjoy and love what you got, and you receive so much more out of it. 

Honestly yes..  

Yes. I tell myself lies all the time. In fact, it's hard for me to discern the truth among the lies, especially when I'm trying to sleep and I tell myself I am not good enough, I'm alright where I am, I can handle life on my own, etc. There are a wide range of lies I tell myself, and I jump from lie to lie, knowing exactly what I'm doing. But things always seem to clear up when I focus in on what is written in the Bible, oddly enough.  

I wouldn't say I tell myself lies by any means but I do tell myself things that in all probability wouldn't happen, I think of it as just creating hope for myself. I don't think I'll ever end up being read about in a text book 100 years from now but I sure as hell would like to be.

have you learned any life lessons "the hard way?"

It took me a long time to realize that the only thing that matters in life is being happy, and that true happiness requires that others are not hurt in the process but rather that you can experience happiness with them. 

Of course. Many different ones.  

Which people to hang out and know their intention

I guess I feel the hard life lessons are the ones you always remember and become yourthe best part of your life history.

yes-inviolvong my relationshoip with god

i absolutely have learned life lessons the hard way. the biggest would be about emotional boundaries in relationships.

Of course I've learned some lessons the hard way. I learned to know exactly what I'm getting into before I do something drastic. I thought I had a good job offer, and so I quit the one that I had previously (hotel) and was going to work at this new place. Turns out that the pay was less and the hours were less. I could not make a living off of that kind of money. But prayers go a long way because a short while after, I had gotten a call back from a country club that I had applied at a couple weeks before. It is the worst feeling in the world having to support yourself and not having an income. I learned to have a plan before I do anything like quitting my job again.

wat do you love to do?

I love to use my hands and make things! Creating something new, taking a vision in your head and making it real. Especially for someone else, because then they can make what they think of it!

I love to spend time with my family. One of the hard life things is I have lost 3 siblings all at very young ages. Of course sinse I am second from the oldest they were all younger than I am.

I absolutely love to write. I can sit in a coffee shop all day and make up short stories about all the different people that come into that place. I could journal about my thoughts all day. The thing I love the most though is dream about love. Dream about the life I am going to have with my husband and the life I am going to create for myself and the simplicity of how I want to live is just abnormal to everyone, or so it seems.

I love to serve God. I love to spend time with my wife and daughter. I love to make music. I love going to Christian concerts. Not just for the music but I always see people at those shows I never get to see anywhere else.

Play my guitar.

Guard, I absolutely love it.

I love to paint, especially acrylic paint. There is nothing like creating something and being your own critic.

I love to laugh.

creating things with people. (whether that be music, laughter, dreams, standards, stories, awareness events, art, poetry--i just love making things with people!)

wat was a defining moment in your life?

When I moved away from my mom and in with my dad. She lives in Kansas. When I had to depend on myself for money and things.

Ya know, I feel like I don't deserve to answer this question almost; because I have not experienced life on my own terms for myself. I have not overcome anything extraordinary I guess. I'm sheltered by this quiet suburban life conditioned to believe a certain way-which I do not believe and it's just not excepted but now I am just going off on another tangent I guess haha// but I guess you can say it was when I started respecting my dad again. He overcame a huge struggle and almost lost me and today he's the most important thing in my life-other than Jesus♥

I can think of several defining moments in my life, most related to adjectives someone would use to describe me.

The first would have been in 6th grade, when I stopped being a Catholic because of the Church's stance on AIDS and gays (this was, of course, before I even started wondering about my sexuality). 

Then in freshman year, I learned how to program a calculator. That has probably been the most useful skill I've learned.

Sophomore year, in February, when I learned how widespread Creationism was among my friends was another turning point. I knew a plurality of Americans were Creationists, but I didn't think that applied to my friends (sorry). This led to

My Junior year, that September, I realized I was/am an atheist. That should be pretty obvious as to how it's affected me.

Finally, the latest defining moment was when I came out, not only because I discovered/accepted a new facet of my being, but also because of the reactions from all my friends. That was amazing.

A defining moment. My first front flip

There have been an abundant amount of moments in my life that has changed my perspective and even if it just pushed a degree or two in a different direction they've all made an impact over time. Though I would have to say the first incident that really made impact helped me progress from a brooder to a "do-er". I was only 14 and it was the summer after my freshman year of high school. I was walking through a wash essentially with cliffs on both sides at least 100 feet tall at an incredibly steep angle if not perfectly straight in some areas. I had passed it a handful of times thinking I'd get to the top someday. I saw it one day and just tried to run up it, after I ran up it and grabbed a handhold about 10 feet up I decided I was almost there and continued to climb. I hadn't realized until I was about 60 feet up that I had been climbing Limestone. Up until about 50 feet it had been easy to hold onto and while a rock or two would move it was easily manageable. from 60 feet I climbed what couldn't have been another 6 feet before the panic set it as I was practically digging a hole in this cliff as I tried to find a way to get up. After five minutes of panic and swiping at the stone as it fell I finally got a standing hold where I could rest for a moment . my moment turned into an hour far quicker than I had expected. With a dead cell phone, ignorant parents, and the only person who could have even the slightest inkling of where I may be if I had fallen was far passed the point of "half baked". I stood tiring and thinking that "This is where I die, I'm 14 years old with nothing accomplished in the world. I've left no impact made no dent in my world, and to any outside of my family and friends I've never existed. with the passing of a Tragic news report of a kid accidentally killing himself I would be forgotten." I went to a depressed and bitter state shortly and it quickly turned from sad to angry thinking that I would be one of those fads in my High school. People who never really knew or even tried to take the time would speak so highly of who I had been. Others lying about false experiences we had shared for the sympathy of those who never knew I existed. As bad as it is to say, that was my motivating turn to keep going and to find a way to the top. I was stuck again after a half hour of moving only 20 or so feet and having no more than 30 more to go. I stopped and I promised myself that if this is how I would die it would be okay, I would accept it and if the spiritual world would allow me to I would be a helping force for all of those around me. but if I survived I would make something of myself. I'd be self sacrificing and live life to its utmost potential. Most people still don't me well and there are casual acquaintances that have known of me for years and at the same time couldn't tell you a thing of what I was like or the things I have done, but the few who truly know who I am and have lived through the trials and tribulations of excitement and adventure with me will gladly tell you our tales as some of the best times of our lives. You Only Live Once and not giving your one shot everything you've got is nothing shy of Abominable.

A defining moment of my life was when I was baptized. I know that I've already written a ton of stuff about religion, but I can't help it. There was something about that baptism, about knowing what it is to be in God's family, and I think it really changed my life. Between that and CIY, I'm pretty sure that was the best summer of my life. 

i havent had one yet.  

are you living up to your full potential?

Sadly no I am not living up to my full potential. And currently I am okay with that!

Not at the moment But I wont stop until I reach it. :)

No. I am not. I spoke about the exister above with experience, couldn’t you tell? ;] I still often get stuck in that trap. However, I do believe that no one can ever live up to their full, entire, potential. God did not make us to do a finite amount of service. To use a terrible analogy, when building a house do you set aside a screwdriver after screwing in 50 screws, because the manufacturer said that that was the full potential of the screwdriver? Or do you keep screwing until the house is built? I believe that God will use us as much as we are willing to be used, until his House, the Kingdom, is built. And so, I think that we as humans cannot ever reach a full potential cap; however, we can reach what we can consider a high potential by surrendering daily, minutely, moment by moment, and pursuing that perfection of potential, by chasing after Jesus.

in some parts of my life more than others but for the most part no. 

i think right now i am not living up to my full potential  

Yes definitely

I hope so! 

[part 2/3]

[click here for part 3/3]

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