Friday, April 27, 2012


during our walk, we chilled by the fountain at the church, and i was laying on the fountain itself while reading out of matthew 10. i had already highlighted it, but i looked at verse 16 and suddenly knew it's application to my life.

"i am sending you out like sheep among wolves. 
therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

to be as shrewd as a snake (for me) means to proclaim good news to those without homes, to bind up the hearts of those who struggle with alcohol and drug addictions, and to bestow crowns of beauty on the captives of the porn industry.  [side note: i don't think these people should ever be defined by their context. they're no less human than we are.] it is super easy and convenient to invest yourself so much in their struggles that you begin to lose part of yourself, but that's exactly why the last line of the verse exists: to be as innocent as a dove. the broken world is messy territory, and this lines serves both as a reminder and a command to always remember the heart behind your actions. that's wat god cares about, and that's wat god's going to be able to use best. when we're aware of our own hearts, we're more ourselves than ever before.

booyah, that's freakin money right there. and the first half of the verse is big money, too. maybe you're christian, maybe you're not, but the idea of sheep among wolves is a pretty universal concept that can have pretty personal connotations.  think about it for a sec. :]

and to conclude this revelation of a post, here's an inspiring quote by a good friend of mine from earlier this week: 

"i don't have a problem with making boys sandwiches."

have a wonderful present. :]

[psalm 42:5

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