Saturday, April 28, 2012


have you done anything lately worth remembering?

I'd say yes. Other than working security for Rage, which is a blast and always worth remembering, our church recently went into the community and served. Digging out tree stumps ain't glamorous but it showed love to the family that needed it.

Everything iv done lately I am trying to forget about and let go of.

Nope. But I’m working on it. :) I know that’s a boring answer, but I live a mundane life, sadly. However, I am convinced that my best days are yet to come, and I am preparing for all that I’m worth, working with God to build those perfect opportunities and seize them! I’m super excited about a lot of things, basically!!

heck yes! kony 2012, sex slavery awareness presentation, and quality time with friends.

My crazy best friend from out of state and myself surprised 4 other best friends at a wafflehouse. We didn't even order waffles, but we had a pretty memorable night, I'd have to say. :)

Yes, in fact the other day I was at the mall to get some extra white collard shirts for work. One of the kiosk guys stopped me and gave their pitch trying to sell one of their products. This one guy in particular was incredibly handsome so I let him try to sell his product. He was selling salts and lotions from the dead sea and lotioned my hands for a bit trying to sell me the product. I wasn't planning on buying anything of his, but I wanted to continue to talk to him. He thought I was interested in buying something of his and so he kept showing me all of these products. I told him I would have to get to know him before I thought about buying anything, so I spent 45 minutes talking to this guy at a kiosk about his life in Israel. He was just set on selling me something. He made a comment at one point how while he was in Louisiana, he wanted to get some crawfish, and so I told him that if he ever wanted to go have crawfish, I'd be happy to go with him. Long story short, I ended up giving him my number, buying some overpriced hand lotion kit, and the sad part is that he never called me! Haha, but it was worth remembering.

wat is a simple pleasure of yours?

Oh my, there are many. One of them is looking at old pictures of me and my friends and family. They take me back to the exact moment the picture was taken. I think about how I was feeling and what my relationships with those people were like at that time. Old pictures can always put a smile on my face.

A simple pleasure of mine... I have many. The two most dear to me are reading books by James Patterson, my favorite author, on the front porch at home in my rocking chair, and going on walks with family or friends - long, long walks.

Laughing or day dreaming. Those are my favorite(:

I really like drinking out of glass bottles. I like to drink coke from a glass bottle then whenever I'm finished with it, I fill it up with whatever I'm going to drink next because it makes it way better then before. And I will hold onto the glass bottle for a very long time too.

friends, guitars, and parks all together at the same time

Okay, can’t pick one so here’s three. 1. Simple notes. 2. Late night walks, alone or with only one other person. I really love these. I get to collect my thoughts, and ponder on new ones. 3. The way everything looks with a full moon. It’s still dark but the moonlight shines on only certain areas, and in my opinion really captures true beauty in a soft way, on landscape and especially on people, and they don’t even know what you really see.. 

wat makes you feel loved?

What makes me feel loved: people initiating things with me first rather than me initiating everything myself. When people tell me that they love me or that they're proud of me. When they not only say those things but show them by action.

We’ll, I’ve recently seen the movie courageous, and I felt a need for a father figure to stand up to the plate. Even though my real rather doesn’t believe in God, and has walked out of my life, I still needed a male role model. Here’s the thing, I have a “courageous” mother, and that’s all I will ever need! That’s what gives me hope in the morning, that’s what encourages me, and that’s what makes me feel loved. I feel loved when close friends care about my well being, literally “bug” me till I answer their calls or texts, and I feel loved when they are oceans apart

love. real, genuine love. (showing love, giving me what i want, believing in me, telling me everything)

I don't know if I even remember what it feels like.

I feel loved in the midst of a hug. I like physical touch, and I like random compliments. I like giving random compliments, and feel loved when people take those to heart. So basically I feel loved during hugs and when people understand how much they mean to me.

Being wanted and appreciated.

When people actually want me to be around or enjoy my company.

Friends, family, God. I always feel loved when God shows me a different way, then what I intended, when he shows me a BETTER way. Pleasant surprises and unexpected things from Him makes me appreciate the earth I walk on. Also, Listening. when people are actually listening to what I say. It shows that they care about me, my thoughts.

It’s really tempting to go into a discussion of my love languages here, but I’m going to try and do this without them. I feel loved when… someone praises me for who I am, rather than what I do. I feel loved when someone bear hugs me and doesn’t let go after that “socially acceptable” time. I feel loved when people show that they are interested in knowing the deeper, darker corners of my soul, and not just the happy mask on the outside. I feel loved when someone comes through with what I need, without me even asking. Pretty much all of those are pretty universal, I’d imagine, but then again, love is love. And, I think everyone has experienced so much fake or fabricated love in this world that we’re all dying to feel someone who goes above and beyond to get to the kind of love that only comes from God.

Feeling accepted by others and being wanted.

Hugs make me feel loved

wat makes love last?

Trust, communication, honesty, are all things that help make love last. But it is also a balance. A balance between being yourself, and being one with the other person. Also, there has to be passion. I would rather have screaming, dish-throwing fights with my boyfriend than to just pretend like nothing was wrong. It would get boring. Not everyone can have the perfect "I love you all the time" relationship, you've got to hate the other person for a few minutes to realize how much you actually love and need them. It is important to talk about the hard stuff even though it may cause a fight because knowing you are able to fight with such a passion and still love each other at the end of the night is what makes love last.

Philippians 2:3-5. Putting the other person’s needs above your own desires because you love them for being a beautiful child of God. Love must be founded on something solid, something human, and not something superficial of temporary.

Honesty, being totally transparent with one another.

To me it's always been an unsure thing, Everything is constantly in motion and people are always changing, but a few things I certainly think are important goes as so. I think it's always best to try and give more than you get, the sweet little thoughtful things are always important to me. Making time for each other is a very big thing. I feel like people get caught up on the downsides and lose focus on why they love that special person. It's important to have that alone time to redevelop the love and learn new things about them as you go.

Honesty and truth

I think that beyond anything, trust is what makes love last. You not only have to trust the other person with your heart and everything you are, you also have to trust yourself and your feelings. The most beautiful and fragile thing a person can do is completely trust in themselves and in the one person they love. Without that trust, the love would fall apart.

I'm not sure what makes love last. I don't think anything MAKES it last; I just think when it's true love, it just does last.

submission to God.

wat do you like most about yourself?

at the moment I'm pretty pessimistic but I guess I love that iv realized the importance of the ones around you the most.

This one was hard, as there are so many ways to measure “goodness” by. You know what I mean? I came to the conclusion that my favorite aspect about myself (the thing most liked) is my open-mindedness. I’m sure there are other things that others may like better about me, but what I find to be my strongest good trait is how I am open to almost anything with a little persuasion and reason. I’m not too stubborn to accept something that I may initially be resistant to. It makes learning fun, and also worthwhile, as I absorb EVERYTHING that I encounter. Then I store it away, even if I don’t agree with it, for later examination. I always search for the Truth, and I never rest to be prideful in thinking that I’ve found it!

i think i'm pretty introspective, and i think that's good.

I like my personality best

i like that i tend to be a very friendly person

my wrists.

What I like most about myself is that I make people comfortable. I should say, comfortable to be around. I will make everyone feel include without even knowing it. Maybe charitable in a way? I think it's because I know how it feels to be left out, and acceptance is so important.

wat do you spend most of your time thinking about?

Honestly, I think about my future A LOT! I’m completely ready for a real career, a master’s Degree in English, marriage, and traveling the world

How I want to and how to achieve the want of changing the world for the better.

Walking with God. I think about it spiritually as well as literally. Yesterday I went to Balboa Park to take some pictures for a research project. I plugged into a pandora station and let God tell me where to go. He is always with me and knows what's best. He's the man!

Lately a girl that doesn't deserve my attention

All kinds of things! My mind always wonders off, a lot... haha. As of lately when my mind wonders, I've been thinking a lot of the future, and God's plan for me. What will I do? Who'll I meet? What will happen? The more I learn, the more I want to serve, to help, to do my part. I also been thinking a lot of my time here in Diego. I need to soak up as much as I can. I want to be challenged. I long to grow, more and more.

I spend most of my mental time and effort trying to figure out how to best serve the world. I want to make a scalable difference in the lives of those around me for the sake of my Father’s glory: I want to make Him famous. My thoughts constantly revolve around the broken and the orphaned. I have a heart for party animals, the homeless, and those who’ve been burned out by the world.

i am not answering this one :P

wat is the difference between living and existing?

Living vs. Existing.. hmm, well I think existing is taking in the oxygen, your alive, but living is actually breathing all you can in, and appreciating it. existing is sitting, but living is when you get out there, move, shake, and explore all that you can.

in living you have a purpose that you wake up every day to fulfill.

You know for a fact that I have a bone to pick with this question. Existing doesn’t have a difference, because it just is. Simple as that. And I think that’s a good way to start the discussion on the differences between living and existing. I believe that if your life has no definition, no meaning, that you are just being, rather than living. Or as I like to say, surviving, not thriving. And of course you could get really deep into what exactly ‘having meaning” in your life means, but I think there is a simpler way to think of it. When I wake up every morning, I read on my phone’s wallpaper: “Live for God today like there’s no promise of tomorrow.” I think people wake up in the morning with the expectation that there always will be a tomorrow, and that they can wait to do the things that they’ve always wanted to do until then. Or, in other words, they can always start living anytime they choose. They’re just too busy/tired/sad /lonely etc. to want to start today. Living is waking up in the morning and saying, “I am going to live today as if it were the most important day of my life to date. Today, I am going to find a purpose that I deem worthy, and dedicate myself to it, body and soul. It may be the same purpose as yesterday, and it may be the same tomorrow. But I’m going to fight apathy with all my might today, as if today were my last.”

Existing means to go through to motions, to be numb to outside influence. To exist is to breathe, eat and sleep. To live is to serve and to smile and to get your hands dirty. Living means to exist with intention, for a cause.

Existing is the science of life, living is making something of life with what you're given.
Existing is just 'being'. Living is realizing with each day you are opening yourself up to millions of possibilities.

wat is a lifelong goal of yours?

i have two. one: publish a book. two: actually make up my mind on what i want to do for a career.

My lifelong goal has always to be a good listenerand a caring person.God has given me so many good things in life that the hard one's are somewhat easier to handle.I just want to be a good christian.

To become wealthy to help support my family and travel abroad.

Become a counselor /psychologist that changes peoples life for the best

Life long goal... hmmm, theres quite a few. So ill tell you some you might not know. Perhaps just to get out there, and explore. I would love to live in a small village somewhere, not so well known, for maybe about 6 months or more. And just take in the culture, and really get a feel of it. I feel like I could learn so much from the people, and serve with them, as a community. That would be wonderful. I'd love to also meet a teen with the same syndrome as I, and get to know them. Because I remember when I met my friend who had the same syndrome, for the first time back in 8th grade, and he impacted me a lot. It would be great to help kids with disabilities, just being there friend, and someone there for them.

A lifelong goal of mine was to be in the military, which was recently achieved; but my next lifelong goal is to go into ministry, hopefully as a music pastor.

A lifelong goal of mine is to help try and find a cure for diabetes

lead a movement of young people fighting for other young people who are trapped in sex slavery.

A life long goal of mine is to just find what I'm passionate about. I want to find the one thing that makes life worth living.

[part 1/3]

[click here for part 2/3]


  1. So, I love this. all of it! It's awesome to hear everyones answers and almost gives you a peak into the life stories of these people. It's all really wonderful, and such a unique concept to put this into a blog post. :)
