Sunday, June 9, 2013


so let's talk about that real quick:

it's hard to accurately represent yourself on facebook. i mean, it's hard on any social network, and now that i think of it, instagram would be a better example here. ok let's start over. it's hard to accurately represent yourself on instagram. taking a million and one pictures to capture a (sometimes forced) moment, then filtering and posting the best photo  with a clever caption that begs for likes. and doing this day in, day out, looking for new creative, bandwagon ways to capture these "moments" and posting them in a stream that says "this is the entirety of my life and i know you'll like it because it's perfect!" all the while completely ignoring the world that begins when we shut our laptops and feel the earth beneath our feet. we spend so much time and energy in perfecting this lie, this mask, and it takes away from our chance to improve our real selves, in our real world--which could use some improving too!

i'm so passionately upset with this need to specify #nofilter in a world that's so beautiful on it's own! and wat do we mean by no filter, anyway? our mind is the finest filter at our disposal, and these photos go through so many filters before our mind gives the thumbs up to plaster them to our walls and boards.

i'm just... i'm just so passionately upset with this online world so many of us live in because i see the problems and i don't fight the problems and i support the problems and i feel so torn about it all and this is totally in our hands and we could seriously start a beautiful identity for our generation and i think we should so let's do it right here and now.  


"i wear my heart upon my sleeve like it's a big deal." 

i took an accidental blogging hiatus. i've written the beginning of this entry a dozen times, trying to find the perfect way to re-break the ice into the blogisphere. i had been waiting for so many variables to line up before i wrote this, but since that didn't happen and i'm impatient, here's this.

with this stumbling attempt to "re-break the ice," i want to avoid this theme, courtesy of calvin harris. i am so small and significantly insignificant and i have a love/hate relationship with these god-given lessons. it's slowly piercing my thick skull that i am - we are - so incredibly insignificant... but never could you say we are negligible. we live under a god who loves us as sons and daughters. i will continue to post my heart upon my sleeve as transparent as i see healthy, but if you follow this blog please understand where we stand in relation to one another, to god, to the earth, to everything. 


"know where you stand and adjust accordingly."   

let's keep one another accountable for that, yeah? i apologize if this came across like a middle school girl's diary entry, but i'm seriously upset about how poorly we use tools like social networking. is it because of the ill-effects it has on our views of reality? no, not really. i'm so passionate and furious because i know we are not without hope! we are a pliable generation, swayed by the wind when we like and grounded in the soil when we like. this screams potential and i'm just so excited for us! writing this post has inspired me to make a call to action in real life. wat's that going to look like? not sure yet, but i'm keeping my eyes peeled. let's commit to that!

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